If you add to the Toolbox in Visual Studio 2005 Picture-derived classes that are located in an external assembly, you should find that the Toolbox items can be used fine as sub-Pictures, but they do not appear, or are disabled, when using the Forms designer.
To fix this, add the following attribute above your Picture derived class (C# syntax):
Code: Select all
[ToolboxItemFilter(Picture.ToolboxFilter, ToolboxItemFilterType.Allow)]
VB syntax:
Code: Select all
<ToolboxItemFilter(Picture.ToolboxFilter, ToolboxItemFilterType.Allow)> _
After rebuilding, reset the toolbox, and add the assembly and Picture items again. This time they should be usable as top-level Pictures in a Canvas, as well as sub-Pictures in other Pictures.
You can also change the Toolbox bitmap for a Picture if you want to have a fancy icon.